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    Sixth Form

    Our students are talented, resourceful, confident and creative individuals. Through their Sixth Form experience, we endeavour to ensure that they leave qualified, stimulated and well-prepared for the challenges of life.

    Our school has a reputation for academic excellence balanced with a rich programme of extracurricular activities delivered in a welcoming environment. We respect our students and treat them as individuals. We try to involve everyone in taking an active part in the community thereby enriching the Sixth Form experience.

    The last OFSTED report stated: 'What makes this school outstanding are exceptional leadership, and strong teaching and learning enhanced by a top-class curriculum and caring ethos. However, students themselves are also key contributors because of their own attitudes, hard work and determination to excel".

    "Provision in the sixth form is outstanding. Because of excellent teaching, a stimulating curriculum and their own positive attitudes to learning, students attain very high standards and make excellent progress in their achievement and personal development. Standards are consistently well above local and national averages and are improving year-on-year at the highest levels. Teaching allows students to develop their own creativity with appropriate support".

    "Effective leadership and management of the sixth form can be seen in the exemplary monitoring of students' academic progress, and the care and guidance they provide so that students leave as confident and well-rounded young people. Parents and students, including those who join from other schools, speak very highly of the induction programme, which helps from early on to welcome them into a vibrant and supportive community".

    "Students respond well to this and make their own significant contribution to the ethos and management of the school. They develop the confidence which enables them, including the young men, to speak of belonging to 'Camden Girls' with pride."

    Learning How to Learn Briefing - February 2025

    Learning How to Learn - Booklet

    Learning How to Learn - Presentation

    Supporting Exam Anxiety

    If you missed the remote session for parents and students on ‘Supporting Exam Anxiety’ here Educational Psychologist Trudy Kearney shares her insights on what exam anxiety is and how to support your child to successfully negotiate their way through it. Useful tips and strategies, including ‘how to have a supportive conversation’ and links to youth mental health support services.

    Exam Anxiety Presentation


    Every Monday morning we hold a Sixth Form assembly all students are expected to attend unless they have an out-of-grid subject lesson.

    We hold stimulating debates and encourage our students to take on current and divisive issues.

    Speakers are invited from all kinds of professions and backgrounds to come in and talk to our students. We have been very fortunate to have had in the past many interesting, thought-provoking and sometimes controversial talks.