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    Curriculum Aims and Vision                                                                                                   

    Our Curriculum stems from our ethos and is rooted in the historical heritage of the school which is to provide a pioneering, exceptional, inclusive education to all, regardless of background. The three main aims of our curriculum are:

    A strong grounding for all

    Regardless of background, ability or expertise, we aim to provide the opportunity for all our students to engage with a range of ideas, concepts and experiences. The broad range of subjects studied throughout all three Key Stages are a testament to our commitment to this strong grounding for all, building knowledge, skills and cultural capital for all students.

    Experts in their fields

    We teach our subjects as disciplines and go above and beyond the prescribed specification. We do this in order to give students a stronger appreciation of the subject and allow them to develop scholarly expertise that will empower them and inspire them to continue the study of the discipline to the highest possible level, creating pioneers in their eventual chosen fields of study.

    Creating change makers

    We aim to create students who are not only engaged with the wider society but are active in creating a positive change. We do this by providing opportunities for social, political and philanthropic engagement, empowering our students to not only be aware, knowledgeable and socially conscious but to lead on change for the greater good. 

    What our curriculum looks like

    Key Stage 3 – Years 7, 8 and 9

    The KS3 curriculum is characterised by its breath and variety. A distinctive part of our provision is the study of Classics and Latin which allows students an opportunity to further build on cultural capital, critical thinking skills and higher tier literacy. The four classes in each year form teaching groups for some subjects. Smaller groups are created for the teaching of practical subjects. Students who struggle with their learning are given additional assistance by our Learning Support department.

    Subjects taught
    • English and Drama
    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • Geography
    • History
    • Modern Foreign Languages
    • Theology
    • Art
    • Music
    • Design Technology (food, resistant materials and textiles)
    • ICT
    • Physical Education
    • Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

    In modern languages students study either French or Spanish. 

    In Year 8, all students study Classics and at the end of Year 8 students are offered the choice for Year 9 of studying Latin or continuing study of Classical Civilization. Decisions are made between students, parents and staff. Camden School for Girls is one of the few remaining maintained schools to offer the full range of classical subjects; Classical Civilization, Latin and Ancient Greek.

    Key Stage 4 – Years 10 and 11

    In Years 10 and 11 students follow a rich programme of core and optional subjects. A distinctive part of our provision is that all students study a modern foreign language, key to building essential skills and knowledge to be an active global citizen, as well as Theology and Religion, key to building knowledge of our diverse society and developing cultural capital and abstract thinking skills.

    Core subjects

    Our core offer constitutes English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Double Science, Theology and Philosophy, French or Spanish. Students also study Physical Education and Personal, Health, Social and Economic Education as non-examinable subjects.

    We believe the study of Modern Foreign languages for all students is important as this not only improves cultural understanding but also facilitates cognitive development especially in increasing memory capacity and improving critical thinking skills.

    In the Spring Term Year 9 students are offered 3 choices of GCSE and Vocational courses. Options offered for 2021/2022 are:

    • Latin
    • Classical Civilisation                                                                       
    • Ancient Greek
    • Triple Science
    • Further Mathematics
    • Computer Science
    • Geography
    • History
    • Sociology
    • Art
    • Music
    • Health and Social Care
    • Design Technology - Textiles
    • Design Technology - Resistant Materials
    • Hairdressing and Beauty and Therapy
    • Physical Education

    Ancient Greek GCSE and Further Mathematics GCSEs which are taught either before or after school.  We have a tailored approach to meeting the needs of all our pupils and in Year 9 a small group of students are able to give up their foreign language and take Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy. We also have Academic Support session designed to support 



    Extracurricular programme

    Our extracurricular offer is designed to enrich the students' experience of subjects both within and outside the curriculum. Clubs are led by teachers, external agencies and sixth form students. We publish a termly updated programme of the activities on offer and we track which students attend, fostering a proactive approach to encourage students a broad range of backgrounds to attend the clubs and enhance their experiences. Our current programme of extracurricular activities can be found here.

    Student-led clubs

    The Head Girl team lead a variety of clubs designed to make younger students in Years 7 to 9 feel included and part of a strong school community. Some of the clubs include Quick Chat Club, Games Club and Current Affairs Club.



    We integrate strong moral, spiritual, cultural and social development of our students through the full range of subject teaching, pastoral guidance and the variety of extra-curricular activities on offer. A core part of this is delivered in our weekly PSHEE lessons on Monday mornings, where students follow a spiralized curriculum which not only meets all the national requirements, but instil in the students a stronger sense of self, empowering students as independent, informed citizens equipped with the resilience and moral character to overcome challenges and succeed.